Software engineer and web developer supporting baseball research & development, healthcare, defense, technology, and venture capital industries.
Elixir, Phoenix, LiveView, Ecto, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Angular/React/Vue frameworks/libraries, Node.js, Alpine.js, Swift, Python, data visualization, object-oriented programming, functional programming, SQL, Postgresql and relational databases, responsive design
Software Developer, Baseball Systems — Baseball Operations
Tampa Bay Rays
May 2021 – Present
Design and develop web applications in support of the Tampa Bay Rays Major League Baseball team.
Developer, Baseball Research & Development
Washington Nationals Baseball Club
June 2018 – November 2020
Design and develop web applications in support of the Baseball R&D department and the Washington Nationals. Build and maintain private internal website used for player analysis, MLB draft, scouting reports, trade inquiries, and game video and data. Frontend built using Ruby on Rails and JavaScript with Postgresql backend database.
Web Developer
Advisory Board Company
June 2014 – June 2018
Serve as key role in website tasks and projects at the global research, technology, and consulting firm that specializes in health care and higher education. Work alongside frontend and backend developers to build and deploy projects and solutions for the website. Created interactive Javascript tools and provided technical HTML, CSS, Javascript assistance. Sitecore administrator. Test, troubleshoot, and fix time-sensitive issues. Executed website deployments, coordinating with internal and external teams. QA and user test. Run, create the schedule, and manage advanced Sitecore training for web editors. Track development task progress. Create, update, and maintain testing plans and documentation.
International Affairs Associate
Abt Associates
March 2013 – May 2014
International affairs associate and data analyst at one of the largest for-profit government and business research and consulting firms in the world. Balanced program budgets and reported costs while managing organized and up-to-date spreadsheets of project-related data. One of the primary point-of-contacts for two of Abt’s largest international conferences (including airfares, hotel arrangements, passports/visas arrangements), as well as event scheduling and technical day-of support.
External Affairs Intern
October 2012 – March 2013
External Affairs intern at government sponsored high-technology venture capital firm that develops products for US defense and intelligence agencies. Created and maintained communications collateral, including presentation materials and event resources for In-Q-Tel and its portfolio companies. Produced and edited multimedia content, presentations, quarterly reports, and newsletters. Edited articles to be printed in publications. Helped prepare, plan, and organize the logistics of the annual In-Q-Tel conference. Maintained company website (HTML, CSS) and writing and managing content on the SharePoint portal. Background investigated for handling of confidential and proprietary materials.
Web Development Online Bootcamp
February 2017 - September 2017
Immersive frontend and backend web development course. Built projects using Ruby on Rails, and Javascript frameworks Angular and React, including website analytics, APIs, and databases.
Pennsylvania State University
B.A. College of Communications, Minor in Business
August 2009 - May 2012
Ruby on Rails
Florida transplant that enjoys sports and live music. Musician, surfer, member of the Washingtonian Pizza Society.